
Top 2 Wow Gold Making Tips

Gold is good. It's the fuel for the World of warcraft economy. It keeps you running by supplying new gear, enchants, potions, gems, mounts, etc. But do you have enough? Are your Wow Gold Making strategies keeping you rich and happy, or are you just barely holding your head above water? Well here are 10 Wow Gold making tips that are sure to bring in some extra income to give you that extra breathing room, and allow you to actually enjoy playing your game. In fact, by the time you reach level 80, there's no reason you shouldn't have 20, 000 gold stashed away.

1 - Get big bags. Sounds pretty simple right, but the more you can carry, the more you can sell. It's pretty self explanatory, but so often, players are literally throwing away cash that they can be pocketing. How much bag space does gold take up? None. However, the more bag space you have, the more Wow Gold Making potential you have.

2 - Don't trash anything. This Buy WOW Gold Making strategy kinda builds on the previous tip. Anything Gray quality can be sold to a vendor for some decent cash.

If you're talking about a few copper, you can throw it away (after level 10). But typically gray quality items are worth more Wow Gold to vendors than most other items. White quality items are very deceiving. But believe it or not, many of them are actually reagents that can sell for very well on the auction house. This refers mostly to any meat, cloth, ingredients, etc. White level armor is pretty useless. Vendor it. Each increasing level of rarity (green, blue, purple) increases the Auction House value of that item. This leads me to Wow Gold Making tip #3.

